Mudjacking Services
Is the concrete on your property irrevocable due to tree roots? Are you doubting your structure’s integrity? Concrete replacement would be a better and more permanent solution than repair. However, in most cases of sunken and uneven foundations, repairs are a more feasible alternative.
1. Raising interior floors: When the middle of the slab foundation settles, mud jacking can be used to return the floors to their initial position. 2-inch holes are drilled through the slab around the settled areas and a slurry mixture is pumped underneath the concrete in order to lift the slab back in position.
2. Fill voids: Foundation problems are caused by a settled foundation perimeter. Upon engagement, our foundation contractors level settled sections of the foundation with push piers. The piers are installed under the perimeter grade beam, raising the foundation. This creates a void under the slab. Mud jacking is then used to fill the space created by the lift. By drilling 2-inch holes through the perimeter grade beam, a slurry mixture is pumped into the void, setting the foundation back to position.
Mud jacking Benefits.
- It a process that involves low pressure lifting of the slab and is environmentally friendly.
- It is a process that can be completed under any weather.
- The process allows immediate use as the slurry takes 48 hours maximum time to cure.
- It is a budget friendly process compared to other alternatives.
- Protection of the home’s curb appeal is assured. Its installation does not damage the lawn, the voids are completely filled without leaving any air pockets.